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Only 32 Spot(s) Left
Keystone Long Ski Trip

Date and Time

Saturday, January 25, 2025, 12:00 AM until Saturday, February 1, 2025, 11:59 PM


Keystone Lodge and Spa
Keystone Lodge and Spa
22101 US-6
Keystone, CO  80435

Additional Info

Molly Maguire(s)

Molly L Maguire
Trip Chairperson



Registration Info

Registration is not Required
Payment Schedule:
-$350 Initial Deposit made payable to Toledo Ski Club.
-$500 due 8/1/24; $500 due 9/1/24; $500 due 10/1/24; $500 due 11/1/24 (made payable to Toledo Ski Club)
$2,000 payment in full after deposit (made payable to Toledo Ski Club)

- $56 for optional additional 6th day of skiing for KEYSTONE loaded on lift ticket in advance of trip.


32 Total Slots
32 Available Slot(s)

About this event

Terms and Conditions

TSC Keystone, Colorado Ski Trip

January 25 – February 1, 2025


General Trip Policy:  The trip prices result from using aircraft and/or buses and assuming all seats will be filled, at special fares which are booked more than nine months prior to departure.  Additionally, long-term lodging commitments have been made.  Serious financial penalties will result from cancellation of group transportation and lodging bookings.  The passenger, as a beneficiary of the low rates, is expected to share in this responsibility and it is therefore imperative that a firm deposit, payment and cancellation policy is fully understood by all prospective passengers. There will be no refunds for any unused portion of the trip.  Please read below carefully to avoid any possible future misunderstandings.  All participants are encouraged to purchase trip insurance, which is available on an individual basis upon request to the Trip Chairperson.

Checks payments only, no cash accepted.  Payment dates correspond with the payment due dates to the travel agent.  Payments can be made earlier but not later than the due date.  Trip participants are expected to become current with the payment schedule at the time of their sign up.  Trip reservation commitments should be made as soon as possible to ensure a spot.

Late Payment Charge:  A late fee of $5 will be charged on all payments received a week late, $10 will be charged on payments received late more than two weeks.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:  Cancellation of an individual trip between sign-up and before October 1, 2024, will result in a refund of all recoverable expenses.  Cancellation after October 1, 2024, and before November 1, 2024 will result in a refund of all recoverable expenses less individual lodging or air seat cancellation penalty costs and only if airline ticket has not been issued. Cancellation after November 2, 2024, and up until departure can result in a 100% cancellation charge of all collected payments to date.  Every effort will be made at the time of cancellation by the chairperson to replace a cancelled passenger with another and/or recover participant’s costs less any cancellation fees or name change fee issued by air carrier (United). Once issued, airline tickets are nonrefundable, but if cancellation occurs after ticketing and prior to travel date, the cost of the airline ticket may be credited and reused by the individual within one year of issued date for a fee (plus any fare difference) on another United flight if no replacement is found, by the trip leader.  TSC cannot guarantee success in obtaining replacements or refunds.  All cancellations must first be made verbally followed by in writing (email) to the Trip Chairperson. Any refund due will be made as soon as possible but no later than 60 days after completion of the trip. 

Baggage Requirements and additional charges:  Checked and carry-on baggage policy for all airlines has changed and will continue to change.  Skier baggage is limited to two bags; the second bag equals one ski bag and one boot bag combined.  Bag charges are the responsibility of the trip participant.  Carry-on luggage can be taken on the airplane provided it will fit under your seat (limited to a size of 9”X13”X23”).

Air Carrier and Tour Operation Conditions:  The passenger tickets in use by the airlines, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the airlines and the passenger.  The airlines concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time passengers are not on board the aircraft.  The liability of the carriers for baggage accompanying passengers is limited to their stated liability policy.  Liability other than that stated by the carriers is at the owner’s risk.  The Tour Operation, cooperating agents, act only in the capacity of agents for the various owners and contractors providing means of transportation or other services.  As such, they shall not be liable for any death, injury, personal injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason or any defect in any vehicle, or through the acts or default of any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger, or in carrying out the arrangements of any tour, or otherwise in connection therewith.

Neither the Tour Operator and/or agents, or the airlines concerned are not to be held responsible for a lack of snow or non-operation of lifts at ski resorts or for closure of access routes to and from resorts due to snow or weather conditions; nor are they to be held liable of any additional expenses or consequences arising there from.  Similarly, they are not to be responsible for the late arrival or passengers at airports or at resorts due to inclement weather or road conditions, or for any other reasons beyond their control; nor are they to be held liable for payments of any refund for unused hotel accommodations, meals, or other tour inclusions occasioned by such late arrivals at the hotel holding rooms as per confirmed itineraries.

Special Arrangements:  Although the trip is a packaged group trip, every possible effort will be made to honor special requests by individuals such as; land package only, land and lift ticket package only, land and air only or special rooming arrangements.  The individual participant shall make any special requests in writing to the Trip Chairperson with the reservation form and in turn the Trip Chair shall confirm the request with a written response.

Airline, Airport or Bus Fuel Surcharge:  Both the air carrier or airports and bus carrier may impose additional fuel surcharges at any time to the tour operator which will be passed on to the tour participants.

Responsibility and Liability:  The TSC Board, Trip Chairperson and Tour Operator reserves the right to withdraw the tour, to refuse to accept or retain any person as a member of the tour at any time, or to make changes in the transportation the day of departure or pass on any additional surcharges incurred to the participants of the trip. 

An individual waiver of responsibility must be signed by each participant on the trip.  See following reservation form.

Print Full Name as on Driver’s License and all SKIERS must have REAL Driver’s License for TSA check points.


Participant Sign-Up Sheet


January 25 – February 1, 2025



First Name            Middle Name                Last Name                                       Birth Date (airline security request)



Address and Street                                                          City                                State                                    Zip



Home Phone                                                  Alternate Phone                           Ski Club Affiliation



E-mail Address                                                          



Emergency contact name, address and phone number


c   OPTIONAL: 6TH Day of skiing add $66 ONLY KEYSTONE RESORT.

4 days - $95 upgrade
5 days - $119 upgrade
6 days - $135 upgrade


I want to room with – Name of Person(s) _________________________________________________________________________ 


Only Non-Smoking availability (non-smoking rooms).  Based on the requests, will coordinate bedrooms as best as possible.


Request additional persons in condominium (names of each) __________________________________________________


Condos are four per unit


I have read and acknowledge the terms and CANCELLATION conditions and I agree to them.  Also, I attest to the fact that I am a member of the Toledo Ski Club.  (If not a member of the Toledo Ski Club, please enclose copy of your current 2024-2025 or 2024-2025 affiliate MDSC membership card.)


________________________________________________________________                        ________________________________________________

Signature                                                                                            Date


Enclosed is my payment:  

c $350 Initial Deposit made payable to Toledo Ski Club.        

c $500 due 8/1/24   c $500 due 9/1/24  c $500 due 10/1/24  c $500 due 11/1/24 (made payable to Toledo Ski Club).

c $2,000payment in full after deposit (made payable to Toledo Ski Club).

c $66 for additional 6th day of skiing for KEYSTONE loaded on lift ticket in advance of trip.
**Travel Insurance overview is on the following page. Please read and sign.




All checks should be mailed to MOLLY MAGUIRE, 7113 HOLLYWYCK RD, MAUMEE, OH 43537.



What does travel insurance cover?


Most travel insurance plans cover several trip protections, including accidental death and dismemberment, baggage delay and loss, emergency medical coverage and evacuation, trip cancellation, delay or interruptionThese protections can help you prepare for unexpected disruptions and expenses when traveling, and help you recover money paid upfront when booking a major trip.


For instance, if your flight is delayed or canceled, most travel insurance plans will cover an extra hotel night or taxi ride expense you incur as a result. Travel insurance can also help you recover, say, prepaid hotel and rental car reservations if you need to cancel your trip due to a covered incident.  Plans can also offset the cost of valuables in your luggage if the airline loses your bags.  Additionally, many comprehensive travel insurance plans have medical coverage to serve as an insurance policy if you get sick or injured while traveling, to offset costs not covered by your normal health insurance plan abroad.


Just like health insurance and car insurance keep you from having to incur large out-of-pocket expenses when you get sick or crash a car, travel insurance protections keep you from having to take a financial hit due to unexpected situations that come up during your travels.

How much does travel insurance cost?


Travel insurance costs vary widely. The final price of your plan will fluctuate based on your age, length of trip and the destination.   It will also depend on how much coverage you need, whether you add specialized policies (like Cancel for Any Reason or pre-existing conditions coverage), whether you plan to participate in extreme sports and other factors.


You as the trip participant are encouraged to purchase travel and trip insurance either through the Tour Operator, White Diamond, or through a third party on-line.  By signing below, you acknowledge what trip insurance can do for you in a crisis.




________________________________________________________________             ________________________________________________

Signature                                                                                            Date